Sunday, April 7, 2019

The Slowest Project: Part 1

I apologise to my previously constant readers. Ever since I moved, not only has life been busy and a constant struggle (in a good way) that I haven't even had, say, $30 to spend on the car!

Alternate high beam. Handy to flash people to move, too. 

I mean, I kept it moving forward. I did get the exhaust tips and I fixed a problem with the Coil Pack. Now I have some money and boy - I'm so behind on my plans for this project. That's why I'm calling this series The Slowest Project. I will be posting new parts to this series whenever I get something big done. Life and being broke in general has kept me from doing anything.

No more. No more being lazy or procrastinating. When I have money. Which I do... Now.

If my thoughts seem disorganized then I apologise - I'm literally in a manic state planning three things out in my head - mainly. I'm going to paint the car completely. That's going to be the last thing I do.

I need to change the front brakes which I'm doing tomorrow. Whoever installed the last ones did something wrong because they're not evenly worn. I swear, some people don't have any sense when it comes to fixing cars. I'd rather figure it out myself than let anybody I don't know do it.

I've needed this for a long time. This unit actually plugs into a cigarette lighter for power but lets you hook up 5 12v accessories! You can get it at WalMart - I couldn't find it in any car store...

Anyway, the first thing I will probably do is connect all of my lights to one 5-button unit. I finally went out and got something I can connect all of my aftermarket lights to. I have fog lights, a yellow spotlight that I am deciding where to mount (probably right in the front!), floor LEDs that change color, and I have two blue strips of LED.

One of those blue strips will go in the very back to light the back up in a nice blue at night. You will be able to see the VIP curtains and such. Normally, you can't see anything.

Maybe I should get a complimentary red one and say screw it!

I will be installing the other blue LED strip probably on the grille. Why? I know it's one step from impersonating a Popo but I'd use it sparingly... Yeah, with my inhibitions.

No because I will have the middle headlight which is what I'm going to call it. It's a super bright square yellow tinted spotlight. The car will need to be renamed Cyclops or something.

To be honest - don't hang me at the stake - I think Lexi2 should be called Nagasaki Nightmare. This car is comfortable but if you're in front of me driving slow, you should get the feeling you need to get over now. That's kind of what I want to evoke with this car... Is that bad?

There is also another thing that needs to be done. The floors are completely dirty. I don't know how it's possible to get them this dirty but it is. What I will have to do is probably re-paint the carpet with beige vinyl paint after getting as much dirt as possible out.

This is as clean as I can get my baby with normal cleaning products. Not very clean... At least not the carpet. 

Also - I've been toying with some more expensive materials. I got a little bit of alligator hide, ivory beads, and things like this and while I can't imagine what can end up in the car (besides a new cross - a Knights of Columbus rosary), something probably will.

Beginning to set up the panel with multiple buttons.

Guys and gals - I will have more resources when I find a job and/or start making money with my business. While I did sell auto parts, I had to get out of the business honestly because of eBay's ridiculous policies. What happened?

Warning to everyone. I had been selling parts as "Will Take Returns" for months and didn't have a problem until one day I was asked for a refund. I was testing everything. Well, long story short, the guy returned my item in my original packaging inside his own (he didn't even open it). I gave him the hundred bucks back for the sake of positive feedback.

Farther along; I have added the power source for the floor lights and also have the spotlight ready to be hooked up. I have one more LED strip to add and I need to exchange my one button for my fog lights for these five and hook those lights up as well.

Like I say, I tested all my parts. I also started designating "No Returns" in all of my auctions. Now that option they should leave out completely. Want to know why? Because people can still return items to you even if it's in perfect condition, just as described, exactly as in the pictures. And eBay, through PayPal, will go right in your bank and snatch that money. Oops, now you overdrafted.

This is what inevitably happens. You will be doing good but one day you will need to take out all of your money. This is what happened when I was moving. Man... That's when everyone wants their $100 back. After paying back a good $500, I stopped responding to eBay and PayPal. However, I know that will go on my credit history until I can pay it and eBay just charged me another $40 just two days ago when I haven't been on there.

Needless to say, I can't support myself like that so I had to dig deep and your man is becoming a jewelry and gemstone salesman specializing in vintage and antiques. I am also flipping silver for cash but that's a secret.

This electrical box will finally be hidden. Also, that's not where the set of buttons is gonna go; it's going to replace the button on the dash. 

Why did I just rant about something that apparently has nothing to do with cars? To show you that there's another way besides sitting at a 9-5 your whole life. Find what you like doing and find out how to make money doing it. Hell, cars is one of the best things to do it with but follow your true passion. Cheesy, I know. How low have I sunk?

This is what I'm using for my blue LEDs if you're wondering. They're very cheap at Walmart. Twice as cheap as AutoZone or Advance... Why do they do that?

I suppose I'm just happy that life is finally moving along. As for Lexi2 and this article; there will be at least 3 more. Articles, I mean. One for each thing I want to do to the car. Thanks people!

- Rokas K

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